Looking back over the last four weeks of photos and weekly plans for Red Group made me realise what a busy and wonderful time we have had. I would like to begin my report with heartfelt thanks to Georgie and Michelle for being amazing Red Group assistants while Phoebe was on her teaching practicum. They are fabulous teachers, working a full day in Kindy and then staying on for pre-kindy afternoons, you are both Rock Stars.
We spent time during Red Group at the end of August making memorable hand print cards for our daddies and gave them each a bookmark to help remind them to read us more books. We discovered that many children loved getting their hands painted and some have continued for the last few weeks making handprints every time we have paint available. We hope that all the parents send their children in clothes that can get painty, muddy and wet, as we encourage all these hands-on explorations at kindy.
It was wonderful to see so many Red Group dads at our annual Dad’s Campfire a few weeks ago. The children showed their dads around the kindy, did some fun activities together and roasted many marshmallows in the campfire.
Phoebe and I would love to say a big Thank You to Emily who has been volunteering every Monday for eight weeks as part of her Rotary Junior Community Award. She was very helpful, friendly, involved, competent and loved by all the children, we will definitely miss you.
The big event every September is the annual Art Show, which was a wonderful event this year. We changed the format last year, due to covid restrictions, which made us rethink the Art Show format. So this year we combined the two formats, having a big unveiling event on the Saturday and then leaving up many artworks for everyone to enjoy all week long. It was wonderful to spend the whole week surrounded by all the beautiful artwork.
The Red Group children love to create butterfly prints, which was the inspiration for our group Art Show canvas this year. Everyone added their favourite colour and we smooshed two canvases together and then opened them to reveal…a beautiful Butterfly. We hope the Garton family enjoy hanging it in their home.
Thank you to all the children who created the art, teachers who mounted the art and all the helpers who assisted with the setting up and taking down of the Art show. Also, a big thanks to all the bakers and helpers on Saturday, the Bake Sale was a big success.
Red Group likes to finish Term Three with a Teddy Bears Picnic and we were very lucky to have Phoebe back from her practicum to join in the fun. We made crowns for our special toys and cooked them Honey Joys, which we helped them eat 😊. Phoebe hid all our toys and we went on a Bear hunt and found them all in the …..cave.
Phoebe and I wish everyone a fun and restful school holidays and we look forward to seeing everyone again in Term Four.