Our community and parent involvement
When you decide to send your child to a community kindy, rather than any other type of service, it includes unique rights and responsibilities. For the duration of your membership, you become the caretakers of the kindergarten and support the management committee which is elected from the families at the kindy. As our kindy is a non-profit organisation, parents’ participation is vital in order to minimise costs.
Management committee
What does the Committee do? The overall running of the kindy is totally undertaken by the management committee, a voluntary group of parents who are elected at the AGM held each year. The management committee is supported by our Director and teachers who are dedicated to the efficient day-to-day operation of the kindy. We develop policy, maintain the kindy, manage the finances and manage kindy wide communication with the ultimate aim of providing opportunities for our kindy families to build a sense of support and community.
We encourage family involvement within the kindy so that your child regards kindy as an extension of home. We believe that active parent involvement encourages the sense of community that is at the core of our kindy. However, we recognise that every family comes to our kindy with a different set of circumstances, each with different demands, pressures and constraints. We encourage parents to become as involved as much or as little as your personal circumstances allow at the time.
Other ways you can get involved
Volunteer Daily Parent Roster We encourage our parents’ involvement on a daily basis by having a parent roster. Being on roster not only makes your child feel special, it also gives you the chance to see your child interacting with their friends and teachers. It is also invaluable help to our busy teachers.
Contributing to the Curriculum Many parents have a particular interest or skill they might enjoy sharing with the children such as storytelling, playing a musical instrument, gardening, bathing a baby etc. Such contributions enrich the program and are greatly valued.
Working Bee Lend a hand at one of our working bees – If you complete one in each semester you will receive some of your maintenance levy back.