The end of Pre-kindy is fast approaching, and your little children will be heading off to big Kindy next year. They are all very ready for this next adventure and I am so happy to be in the lucky position to see them grow and develop through their Kindy year. As most of you know, I am the Kindy Outdoor Educator and lead our Bush Kindy adventure in Terms two and three with Blue and Yellow Groups.
We have had many changes this year with Covid stopping Red Group for a few weeks and old friends leaving and new friends coming, but none of that has stopped the play and fun of pre-kindy. The Red Group children have had a fabulous year playing, painting, swinging, imagining, digging, climbing and making new friends. The children have matured and changed so much over the last ten months.
It is so special to sit back and watch the children play co-operatively with their friends and to create their own play opportunities. They are seeking out friends to play with and showing a developing social maturity.
Water play has been immensely popular the last few weeks, a great place to play on hot days. So much learning occurs during water play, such as: providing opportunities for children to experiment with math and science concepts, strengthen their physical skills, advance their social and emotional skills, and enhance language development. Play is how children learn about their world and is the reason kindy has a play-based curriculum.
There are many end of year preparations in the next two weeks, such as - making cards and presents for our mums and dads. This is a surprise present your child is making, so you will have to wait a few weeks to find out what it is. We will also be cooking something yummy for our end of year party which will be on Tuesday the 8th of December from 12:00 pm till 1:30 pm. Next week we will send home invitations and put out a food list for parents to select what they would like to bring to the party.
We would like to thank all the parents who came on roster this year, to help or to come and play with your child, we loved having you come to Red Group. Phoebe and I have had a wonderful year with your beautiful children, and we are looking forward to our last few weeks together.
I also want to thank all the wonderful parents on the Committee who give up so much time and energy to our kindy, you are all amazing!! Our kindy is a very special place because you are all fabulous human beings. 😊