We have nine new friends at Red Group this Term and a new assistant teacher. Welcome to all the new children and their families and welcome to our kindy teaching staff Cristina. All the new children have settled in well at Red Group and have explored most of the kindy environment and all that it has to offer. Cristina has quickly become an integral part of the group and the children love having three teachers.
It is amazing to think that in a little over five months all the Red Group children will be at Kindy, in Blue or Yellow group with their amazing teacher Anna to guide them. As I reflect on the last six months I am amazed at the changes in the children since starting pre-kindy. Their ability to share with and socialize with each other has improved greatly, with some already making strong friendships. The complexity of their play, especially imaginative play has increased also.
Most children have adjusted to the routines and structure of the pre-kindy afternoon, which will help them prepare for big kindy next year. There are a multitude of benefits for the children who attend pre-kindy at Chapel Hill and I know the timing can be tricky for some families, but the positive outcomes make it all worthwhile.
So far this Term the Red Group children have been: cooking up feasts and feeding the babies in home corner, painting- a lot, climbing the ladder tree, riding the “horse”, building with blocks, enjoying story time and singing, having a go at tricky puzzles, putting on puppet shows, swinging, dressing up… and I could go on for pages. Please feel free to have a look through all the amazing photos on the Ipad or flip through the pages of our Red Group Big Book to see what we do each week.
Mat time at Red Group gives us the opportunity to come together at the end of our session and share music and stories together. The time spent on the mat fluctuates each day, depending on how long the tidy up takes. Most of the children come running to the mat as soon as we start our gathering song, eager to join in with their friends.
With the imminent arrival of Fathers Day and Art Show, the children will be making surprise gifts for their daddies and creating beautiful works of art for the Art Show in September. Just a note for parents, in case you were wondering why so few paintings have been coming home, we have been putting aside some art for the Art Show, so we can showcase Red Groups finest creations.
Phoebe, Cristina and I are looking forward to the rest of Term Three with your wonderful children and we would love some parents or grandparents to join us on Roster to share the fun with your child and us.