Only three more weeks of pre-kindy for the year, time certainly does fly when you are having fun. The Red Group children have had a fabulous year playing, building, swinging, imagining, digging, climbing and making new friends. The children have matured and changed so much over the last ten months.
They are seeking out their special friends, returning to favourite activities and trying new play provocations that we create every week. We have noticed an increase in cooperative play this term, which is very exciting to observe as it shows a growing social maturity.
The children all seem very ready for big Kindy next year. We have been talking to the pre-kindy children about what they might do at Kindy next year, to help them feel ready for this big step. The transition from Red Group into Blue or Yellow Group will be wonderful and exciting for the children and parents also. I look forward to catching up with the Red Group children next year when they are in their new groups. I love the opportunity to stay connected with the pre-kindy children next year as I help run the Bush Kindy program in Terms two and three.
Red Group has had a busy month; we celebrated many 4-year-old birthdays, carved a pumpkin, made playdough, washed dinosaurs and bravely leapt off a plank, just to name a few or the many experiences we’ve enjoyed recently. Two weeks ago we had our annual visit to the creek to explore the local park. It is always very exciting to be somewhere new, even if it’s only a few hundred metres from kindy! We put on the hi-vis vests that the big kindy children wear, then went on a nature treasure hunt. We found many treasures on our walk to the Bush Kindy site. We used our treasures to create unique Bush creatures, using a piece of clay to attach them to a tree. Thanks for all the wonderful parents who helped on the excursion, we couldn’t do it without you J
There are many end of year preparations in the next two weeks, such as; making cards, wrapping paper and presents for our mums and dads. This is a surprise present your child is making, so you will have to wait a few weeks to find out what it is. We will also be cooking something yummy for our end of year party which will be on Tuesday the 10th of December from 1:00 pm till 2:30 pm. Next week we will send home invitations and put out a food list for parents to select what they would like to bring to the party.
We would like to thank all the parents who came on roster this year, to help or to come and play with your child, we love having you come to Red Group. Phoebe, Cristina and I have had a wonderful year with your beautiful children, and we are looking forward to our last few weeks together.
I want to thank all the wonderful parents on the committee who give up so much time and energy to our kindy, you are all amazing!! Our kindy is a very special place because you are all fabulous human beings. 😊